Using NetBox as an inventory source

Before we can use NetBox as an inventory source, we need to know the following 2 properties:

  • The URL of your NetBox instance
  • A NetBox API token

You can setup Nornir to leverage NetBoxInvetory2 as the inventory source in 2 ways:

  • defining the inventory in Nornir's configuration config.yaml file
  • defining the inventory in Nornir's InitNornir constructor

Nornir configuration file

You can find more information about Nornir's configuration file in the Nornir documentation.

The relevant section of the configuration is the inventory section. In this section we will have to specify the plugin we want to use and the options to configure the plugin.

  plugin: NetBoxInventory2
    nb_url: https://netbox.local:8000
    nb_token: "1234567890"

We can then use the configuration file to initialise Nornir:

from nornir import InitNornir

nr = InitNornir(config_file="config.yaml")

Nornir constructor

We can achieve the same goal by using the Nornir InitNornir constructor. InitNornir accepts an inventory argument, which allows us to specify the inventory plugin to use.

from nornir import InitNornir

nr = InitNornir(
        "options": {
            "nb_url": "https://netbox.local:8000",
            "nb_token": "1234567890"

Configuration options

NetBoxInventory2 has the following configuration options that influence it's behaviour.

Configuration options can be set in the options attribute of the inventory configuration.

NetBox URL

NetBox instance URL.

name nb_url
type string
default http://localhost:8000
required True
environment variable NB_URL

NetBox API token

NetBox API token.

name nb_token
type string
default 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567
required True
environment variable NB_TOKEN

Enable / disable SSL verification

Allows for enabling or disabling certificate validation, when using HTTPS.

Alternatively accepts a path the CA bundle file to use for certificate validation.

name ssl_verify
type bool/string
default True
required False

Flatten custom fields

This option allows you to "flatten" custom fields. By default a custom fields for a NetBox device or VM, will be stored in the custom_fields attribute of the data attribute of a Nornir host.

Enabling flatten_custom_fields will modify that behaviour, so that each custom field is stored direclty as an attibute of the dat attribute of a Host, which makes working with custom fields a little bit easier.

description Store host/vm custom fields directly in NetBox data attribute
type bool
default False
required False

Example with flatten_custom_fields disabled

>>> pprint(["my_device"].data
    "custom_fields": {
        "cf_my_custom_field": "value"

Example with flatten_custom_fields enabled

>>> pprint(["my_device"].data
    "cf_my_custom_field": "value"

Filter parameters

Filter parameters allow you to filter the inventory data returned by thet NetBox API.

The NetBox API allows you to filter the returned data by attaching one or more query parameters to the request url. More information can be found in NetBox's documentation.

NetBoxInventory2 allows you to provide these query paramterers as key/value pairs using the filter_parameters option. This works the same way as passing url paramters to a HTTP request using the Requests Python library.

name filter_parmeters
type dictionary
default None
required False

Example: to filter the inventory for site site1, we would need the following:

nr = InitNornir(
        "plugin": NetBoxInventory2,
        "options": {
            "nb_url": "http://netbox.local:8000",
            "nb_token": "1234567890",
            "filter_parameters": {"site": "site1"}

Example: to filter the inventory for site site1 and platform cisco_ios, we would need the following:

nr = InitNornir(
        "plugin": NetBoxInventory2,
        "options": {
            "nb_url": "http://netbox.local:8000",
            "nb_token": "1234567890",
            "filter_parameters": {
                "site": "site1",
                "platform": "cisco_ios",

Example: to filter the inventory for site site1 or site site2 and platform cisco_ios, we would need the following:

nr = InitNornir(
        "plugin": NetBoxInventory2,
        "options": {
            "nb_url": "http://netbox.local:8000",
            "nb_token": "1234567890",
            "filter_parameters": {
                "site": ["site1", "site2"],
                "platform": "cisco_ios",

Use platform slug

NetBox device/vm's have a platform attribute that indicates the type of operating system that is running on the device. This attribute is directly mappend to the Nornir Host's platform attribute, so that connection plugins understand which driver needs to be used to connect to the device.

By default the name attribute of a NetBox platform is mapped to the Nornir Host's platform. Use platform slug allows you to use the slug of the NetBox platform instead.

Whether or not you need to enable this option depends on how you defined your platforms in NetBox. Only one of use_platform_slug and use_platform_napalm_driver can be set as true.

name use_platform_slug
type bool
default False
required False

Use platform NAPALM driver

Use platform NAPLAM driver works like use platform slugs, but uses the NAPLAM driver attibuted from the NetBox platform instead.

Whether or not you need to enable this option depends on how you defined your platforms in NetBox. Only one of use_platform_slug and use_platform_napalm_driver can be set as true.

name use_platform_napalm_driver
type bool
default False
required False

Include Virtual Machines

Enable this option to also create Nornir Hosts for virtual machines stored in the NetBox database.

name include_vms
type bool
default False
required False

Defaults file

Path to file with the defaults definition. If the file doesn't exist, it will be skipped. More information on on the defaults file can be found in Nornir's documentation.

name defaults_file
type str
default "defaults.yaml
required False

Group file

Path to file with the groups definition. If the file doesn't exist, it will be skipped. More information on on the groups file can be found in Nornir's documentation.

name group_file
type str
default "groups.yaml
required False

Ignore file permission errors

Ignore file defaults or group file permission errors. Enabling this option will continue loading the inventory when file permission errors are encountered for the defaults or group file.

name ignore_file_permission_errors
type bool
default False
required False